Oh hey, Meet the Team

Oh Hey Laurel Bray, Washington DC Based designer & entrepreneur, Co-founder of Oh Hey Fuck You Greeting Cards

Oh hey, we’re really excited to finally introduce ourselves. We’re a small team with big personalities. We’re going to take a moment and give you, dear reader, a chance to get to know us better! Keep an eye on our blog for a new interview every month.

Second up, Laurel Bray.

Laurel’s name is Laurel. She hates saying her own name aloud, but loves her name and thinks it’s better than most.

So that should give you a pretty good introduction to the kind of person she is.

Laurel was born in the Okanagan Valley and lives in Washington, DC with her fish and husband.

Hi Laurel. Weird intro. Very cool. We’ve got some weird questions, you ready?


Ok, let’s do this. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? If so, elaborate.

My hunch is  I’m going to die from old age and if I don’t it’ll be really annoying. I’ve spent a lot on preventative skin care products. 

Investing in yourself AND the future. Very savvy. What book or books had a significant impact on you and why?

I’ve read great books and enjoyed them, but I can’t think of anything I’ve read that has knowingly impacted my life beyond making me feel glad to have read them. 

What does that say about me? 

No idea, you tell us.

I dunno.
Actually, one time when I was a kid one of my brothers told me I’d never be able to finish reading  Anne of Green Gables  because it was too thick. I cried, and my other brother suggested I just finish reading it. I did.  No one noticed or cared but it was a pioneering ‘oh hey fuck you’ moment for me— and a decent summer read!

Brendan, if you’re reading this— I ain’t mad! I’m glad you challenged me.

We hear Anne of Green Gables is huge in Japan. They call it “Red-haired Anne”. There was an anime. You know what else is huge in Japan? Novelty foods. Are dipping sauces important to you? If you could only choose two for the rest of your life, what two and why?

Easy— ketchup and soy sauce. French fries and sushi are both in my top 10 favorite foods, and I have no time for either without their dips. 

That tracks. Some foods really aren’t themselves without the sauce. Moving on, if someone says “_________ is their favorite movie, it’s a giant red flag for me”

No one has actually ever said any of these movies were their favorite to me. But…

Hunger Games. Do you fantasize about the opportunity to kill people for sport without that icky feeling of being a “murderer” ‘cause your society made you do it? Because that’s what I’m thinking if you say you’re all about The Hunger Games movies— or that you think Jennifer Lawrence is hot, and i’m not a fan— at all. Full disclosure, I have not seen any of the series so if that’s not what they’re about, my bad.

There’s more nuance and you haven’t touched on the fashion & class metaphors, but yah basically.

Twilight. OMG, awkward AND stupid.  But, do go see The Batman. That movie was perfecto.

The Fountain. SNORE. Red flag. That movie has LITERALLY put me to sleep every time I’ve tried to watch it.

Interesting, those are some pretty strong opinions. What did you learn this past year that you want to live out fully in this next year?

That I am the kind of person that says fuck you rather than just thinking it. 

We would love if more people said what they mean and mean what they say. People might not be ready for that yet. It could lead to a lot of crying. Are you a crier? Do movies or TV shows make you cry? If so, what triggered it? 

I would say I cry a lot, but significantly less than I used to. Scenes in movies or tv shows where the characters are being hyper honest and real about how they feel will usually do it for me. Last scene I can think of is For all Mankind when Ed is losing it about his daughter wanting to join the Navy. That’s some real shit. [SPOILERS]

Right!? Joel Kinnaman is great. We’re big space nerds and really like For All Mankind too . What card, made by you, are you most proud of?

I don’t even need to think about it- Strawberry. It’s undeniably cute.

Which card -not- made by you is your favorite?

X-15 from the Space Pioneers collection. I won’t touch perspective drawing with a 10-foot pole. In fact, the only time i’ve ever cheated in school was on a perspective drawing assignment in University. I took a photo, printed it and then I traced it. Then used a grid system to enlarge it so it met the assignment specs. The teacher gave me a C and told me the perspective was wrong. I beg to differ.

Oh hey… fuck you [teacher].

Anyway, this collection really impresses me. It’s detailed, it’s accurate and if you read the descriptions you’re going to learn a lot about space history, whether you want to or not.

Wow, high praise. Might even say that you think those cards are “outta this world”. Speaking of “outta this world” and other big ideas, for what in your life do you feel most grateful?

I’m grateful for who I am, and I’m most grateful to have Mason in my life.  I’ve learned more  about myself and the world around me in the past 7 years just by being near him than I ever did on my own or in school.  I like myself more each day than I did before we got together, so, thanks Mason. I love you.

Sickeningly sweet and honest. JUST LIKE OUR CARDS.


Ok everyone, that was the interview, we hope you liked it! We’ve got two more team members to ask the exact same questions so stay tuned for all the excitement!

Love each and everyone of you who read this far. Fuck the quitters. Buy Cards! Send Love!

Oh Hey, Fuck You.


Oh Hey, Meet the Team


Oh Hey, João & Family